南通通达矽钢冲压有限公司是全国最大的新能源汽车驱动电机、发电机、电动机定转子铁心专业制造生产企业。与大型整车厂及汽车配套企业保持长期良好的合作关系,是国内外多家主流电机,发电机企业及整车厂的一级供应商。是ABB、GE、Vestas、Gamesa、Siemens、上海电气、REGAL等等客户的优秀供应商。地处中国经济最为发达的长江三角洲腹地和“上海一小时经济圈”之中,交通便捷,区位优势突出。公司实 ...
KAIZEN, is a focus on motor winding and automation technology of the overall solution provider, customers are widely distributed in motor vehicles, home appliances and power tools industry, in the motor ...
Tianjin Fuheng Motor Co., Ltd was founded in 2000. Located in Beichen District, it borders on Jingjintang Express Way and covers nearly 6000 square meters, with more than 200 employees. It is a motor ...