Aumann is known for innovative winding and automation technology. Over 80 years of experience makes us a world-leading supplier in these domains. We develop manufacturing and assembly lines for the production ...
德国菲索玛特(FELSOMAT)公司隶属于瑞士莱斯豪尔集团,总部位于德国斯图加特地区,从1981年就开始从事汽车变速箱生产制造自动化生产线的研发, 经过近40年的发展,已经成为既能提供智能制造生产设备又能提供智能互联技术解决方案的全球领先的智能制造供应商,其产品范围包括滚齿单元、柔性车削中心、激光焊接单元、单机自动化设备、自动化单元和柔性生产线整体自动化系统解决方案等。
菲索玛特的产品广泛应用 ...
Korea, Republic of
Hubis is a company with expertise in laser and welding automation.
Especially we have many experience in Battery module and Ev motor hairpin industry.
JINLAN provides 3 series smart production solutions to assembly,test and insulating treatment, applied in the industries of starter,steering system and electrical motor,etc. Based on global top design ...
LABORATORIO ELETTROFISICO is a global company specializing in engineering, design, and manufacture of the world’s most precise magnetizing and magnetic measuring equipment. Nearly 100 employees worldwide ...
NITTOKU株式会社于1972年在日本成立,注册资本6,884,928千日元。主要经营范围:绕线机,卷线、送出机以及周边设备的开发,制造,销售,在多个领域实现工厂自动化。在线圈系统行业,本公司全球占比约36%。不同业界销售额实际成果:车载相关占比41%,信息通信相关占比24%,特殊机器相关占比12%,家电相关占比8%,零件占比6%,办公自动化相关占比5%,IC卡相关占比2%;汽车相关产品(包括 ...
NYP Group focus on material & equipment for electronic , automotive, aerospace industry cover great China & Far East.