Arnold serves a variety of markets from consumer, industrial, and medical to defense, aerospace, and telecommunications. Arnold’s magnets, metals and systems are used in high-efficiency motors and generators ...
We Stand For the Highest Quality Solutions
We are bdtronic, formerly known as Bartec Dispensing Technology. We are a one of the world's leading machine manufactures in the high end dispensing and impregnation ...
CONOVO is founded in 2014, founders are senior experts in the field of CNC equipment and automation, and have many years of research, development and management experience in SJTU, Philips, Googol and ...
As a globally active company, we develop, produce and sell highly efficient induction heating technology for a wide variety of industrial applications. Besides our well proven energy sources, we also ...
德国菲索玛特(FELSOMAT)公司隶属于瑞士莱斯豪尔集团,总部位于德国斯图加特地区,从1981年就开始从事汽车变速箱生产制造自动化生产线的研发, 经过近40年的发展,已经成为既能提供智能制造生产设备又能提供智能互联技术解决方案的全球领先的智能制造供应商,其产品范围包括滚齿单元、柔性车削中心、激光焊接单元、单机自动化设备、自动化单元和柔性生产线整体自动化系统解决方案等。
菲索玛特的产品广泛应用 ...
For more than 90 years, GROB has been one of the global players in the development and manufacturing of machines and production lines. GROB's customers include the world's most prestigious car manufacturers ...
南通通达矽钢冲压有限公司是全国最大的新能源汽车驱动电机、发电机、电动机定转子铁心专业制造生产企业。与大型整车厂及汽车配套企业保持长期良好的合作关系,是国内外多家主流电机,发电机企业及整车厂的一级供应商。是ABB、GE、Vestas、Gamesa、Siemens、上海电气、REGAL等等客户的优秀供应商。地处中国经济最为发达的长江三角洲腹地和“上海一小时经济圈”之中,交通便捷,区位优势突出。公司实 ...
We are a professional manufacturer of progressive lamination die for stator and rotor,we produced more than 180 sets of progressive carbide die each year with loose lamination、interlock、skew and rotation ...
Odawara engineering Co., Ltd aims to be aworld class supplier of motor coil winding machines and automatic production lines. It is the spirit of craftsmanship which sits at the heart of all our products ...
The PVS Group is one of the leading companies processing plastic materials.
PVS has specialized in the insulation of electric motors and the production of precision blower wheels. The company was founded ...
Suzhou Fine-Stamping Machinery & Technology Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing all kinds of motor lamination cores.

We possesses precise stamping, machining and testing equipments, such as Swiss ...