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The PVS Group is one of the leading companies processing plastic materials.
PVS has specialized in the insulation of electric motors and the production of precision blower wheels. The company was founded ...
ZX Composites is a leading company in thermosets industry. The headquarter is located in QINGDAO . We manufacture the most excellent quality laminates, prepregs ,rods ,tubes and finial composites parts ...

Better company, which are the Insulation Materials Engineering Technology Research Center and National High-tech Enterprise of Guangdong province, are specialized in R&D, manufacture and supplies electrical ...
Qoovia is located in Suzhou high-tech industrial park, we are a machinery and production equipment supplier. Specializing in plastic processing, laser welding quality monitor, testing system,Magnetization ...
睿氟龙成立于2014年,专注于氟树脂、聚醚醚酮(PEEK)、聚酰亚胺(PI & TPI)等的高性能工程材料的改性,在尽可能保持原有优势/特点的前提下,通过改性尽可能满足客户更多期望的性能或某一特殊性能。
山东圣泉新材料股份有限公司是济南圣泉集团股份有限公司下属企业。圣泉集团始建于1979年,是一家涉足高性能树脂和复合新材料、生物质综合利用、大健康、生物医药和新能源等五大产业的高科技创新型集团。公司是国家级高新技术企业和农业产业化全国重点龙头企业,是经国家工信部认定的济南市首家国家技术创新示范企业。旗下建有同行业唯一一家由国家发改委、科技部、财政部等五部委联合认定的国家级企业技术中心,拥 ...
Founded in 2007 with manufacturing facilities in Shanghai and Dongguan, Qiming Plastic Products Co., Ltd. has become a professional manufacturer dedicated to the R&D and manufacturing of plastic and paper ...
Magcam is specialized in advanced magnetic field measurement systems for permanent magnets, magnetic assemblies and PM rotors. Magcam’s magnetic field measurement and analysis instruments are used for ...